Información del servicio


  • Trazabilidad de nuestros patrones


  • Certificados fidedignos


  • Soporte y apoyo técnico


Necesita información metrológica?

No hay problema, en breve le haremos llegar

Sabe que norma va utilizar?


Our 13 acre site at Eye Suffolk is close to all the Eastern ports and provides ideal access to and from the following ports:

  • The Port of Felixstowe the UK’s largest container port
  • Harwich International port for container and road freight
  • The Port of Gt Yarmouth with the new outer harbour for bulk grain and timber

You can make use of our 150,000 sq ft warehousing onsite or we will make room for you at the near by Broome industrial Estate which boasts a further 75000sqft.

Necesita un plan de mantenimiento?


Necesita saber el margen de error de su patrón de masa?

  • Norma OIML

Nuestro alcance y capacidad técnica
